Gifty Addico is Chief of the Commodity Security branch in the Technical Division of UNFPA, providing technical leadership and strategic direction for UNFPA on family planning and reproductive health commodity security. Gifty is a medical doctor with specialization in public health, focusing on reproductive health and family planning in developing countries. Her over 20 years of experience has primarily been dedicated to working with governments and development partners to set strategic priorities in sexual and reproductive health and family planning and on strengthening health systems to meet needs of the most vulnerable populations.
Prior to her current position, Gifty served in several capacities in UNFPA including as Technical Adviser in the Commodity Security Branch, New York, and in the East and Southern Africa Regional Office, Johannesburg; Humanitarian Emergency Coordinator in Yemen; UN Reform Specialist and Policy Adviser in Rwanda, and SRH Specialist in the UNFPA Country Support Team (CST), Addis Ababa.