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Human Centered Design (HCD) is the talk of the town. It is a creative problem-solving process that uses deep empathy-building and engagement with consumers, when designing solutions for the issues that affect them most.

HCD in youth-centered public health programming unleashes a wealth of opportunities for how we design and develop programs in equal partnership with the adolescents and young people we serve. Through HCD, we ask adolescents and young people to share intimate details, personal experiences, insights, and knowledge with the sole intent of identifying health solutions tailored to their unique needs. If done right, HCD elevates young people as co-creators of innovative and resonant solutions for their health problems. If not, we enter the murky territory of possibly exposing them to unnecessary risks.

That’s why PSI, in partnership with the HCD Exchange, is launching a Commitment to Ethics in Youth-Powered Program Design at this year’s ICFP, to ensure that respect, justice and doing no harm remain at the heart of youth-centered program design. Join PSI’s Rena Greifinger and Amy Uccello as they explore how the adolescent and youth sexual and reproductive health community of practice can commit to upholding ethics and integrity, and ensuring the dignity and welfare of adolescents and young people, when using HCD to design healthcare solutions.


Amy Uccello, Sr. AYSRH Technical Advisor at PSI

15 November, 2018
11:00 (20′)

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