Demographic Dividend
Community Page
About the DD Subcommittee
The Demographic Dividend (DD) Subcommittee equips ICFP attendees with the information and skills to effectively move policy and advocacy efforts around the DD agenda forward. The Subcommittee’s efforts highlight the imperative role of investments in and commitments to family planning to promote demographic transition and, ultimately, the potential economic benefits of a DD.
The Subcommittee’s mission is to guide policymakers across multiple sectors as they develop strategies to achieve the DD and increase local commitment to harnessing the DD through support to advocates, programmers, and researchers. Our vision is that investments that empower women and couples to have the number of children they desire through voluntary family planning are universally viewed as foundational to social and economic development.
Committee's Vision for ICFP2022
The Subcommittee’s mission is to guide policymakers across multiple sectors as they develop strategies to achieve the DD and increase local commitment to harnessing the DD through support to advocates, programmers, and researchers. Our vision is that investments that empower women and couples to have the number of children they desire through voluntary family planning are universally viewed as foundational to social and economic development.
Members, Partners & Supporters
Our partners include the Gates Institute, Population Reference Bureau, & Makerere University.
Get In Touch
If you are interested in knowing more about the Demographic Dividend Subcommittee, please get in touch.
Demographic Dividend at ICFP2022
13 November 2022 | 8:30 AM – 3:30 PM
Royal Cliff Grand Hotel
Pattaya City, Thailand
This pre-conference aims to bring the world’s experience in achieving demographic dividend offering tangible lessons and best practices and scientific findings relevant to countries going through demographic transition. Importantly, the pre-conference will also highlight significant contextual changes in the decades, including intersecting challenges and opportunities to promote resilience drawn from the COVID-19 pandemic, and discussions about the concept of a second demographic dividend.
Additionally, the Subcommittee identifies existing gaps in important and emerging DD interventions and ensures that they are highlighted throughout the conference, in collaboration with the Scientific Subcommittee.
View all ICFP2022 pre-conferences taking place 11-14 November 2022 here.
Stay tuned as we add more activities and details to this list!
DD Community Overview
Four years ago, during the launch of the sustainable development goals (SDGs), 193 of 196 member States of the United Nations adopted the universal access goal, which will be the main catalyzer to “ending global poverty, building a life of dignity for all and leaving no one behind.” Utilizing countries’ demographic dynamics and Evidence-Informed Decision-Making (EIDM) in policy development and resource allocation will be critical elements to achieve these SDG goals and will catalyze their progress to realize their demographic dividend.
Universal and right-based access to sexual and reproductive health and family planning is an essential element for women empowerment and a cornerstone to creating an environment to reap the demographic dividend. Equitable and effective family planning, SRHR and women-centered policies, programs and services have been proven to be at the center of sustainable socio-economic development and their effects multiply from the individual, household, community, country, and global levels.
Universal access to family planning is critical to fertility management, social and human capital development, and present opportunities for reaping various demographic dividends, eradicate poverty, and achieve people’ wellbeing.

DD Luminaries Series: Featuring Dr. David Canning
Date: Tuesday, 16 August 2022 Time: 09:30-10:30 AM ET (NY) via Zoom Hosted by the Bill & Melinda Gates Institute for Population and Reproductive Health, the Demographic Dividend Initiative, and the International Conference on Family Planning, the new DD Luminaries...
Demographic Dividend & #NotWithoutFP Forum