Demographic Dividend
13 November 2022 | 8:30 AM – 3:30 PM
Royal Cliff Grand Hotel | Pattaya City, Thailand
About this Pre-conference
This pre-conference aims to bring the world’s experience in achieving demographic dividend offering tangible lessons and best practices and scientific findings relevant to countries going through demographic transition. Importantly, the pre-conference also highlights significant contextual changes in the decades, including intersecting challenges and opportunities to promote resilience drawn from the COVID-19 pandemic, and discussions about the concept of a second demographic dividend.
Featured Speakers:
- Dr. Julitta Onabanjo, United Nations Population Fund Director of the Technical Division, UNFPA Headquarters
- Dr. Mansukh Mandaviya, Honorable Minister of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India
The DD pre-conference was structured around the four following panels:
Panel 1:
Success stories from East Asia, context evolution, and implications for FP, fertility, women’s time use, and women’s workforce participation
Panel 2:
Data and monitoring tools to measure and track women’s empowerment
Panel 3:
Promoting resilient human capital development in the context of external shocks and implications for the attainment of a DD
Panel 4:
Recovering from and building resilience to shocks, including the COVID-19 pandemic
For more information, please reach out to info@theICFP.org.