Galvanizing Momentum and Commitment for Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) Self-care Across the Humanitarian-Development Nexus
13 November 2022 | 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Royal Cliff Grand Hotel | PEACH Pattaya 11 | Pattaya City, Thailand
About this Pre-conference
The International Rescue Committee and the Inter-agency Working Group on Reproductive Health in Crises (IAWG) will co-host an invite only ICFP pre-conference event on galvanizing momentum and commitment for SRH self-care in humanitarian and fragile settings.
Consultation Objectives:
1. Describe the current status of SRHR self-care, inclusive of FP, SAC, MNCH, HIV/STI, GBV, implementation and research in humanitarian and fragile settings.
2. Identify key gaps and opportunities for SRHR self-care in humanitarian and fragile settings.
3. Develop an outline for a Call to Action and Roadmap to support donors, implementers, researchers and policy makers to fill gaps, leverage opportunities and achieve commitments identified during the meeting.
Attendance & Contact:
This is a high-level, invite only event, if you are interested in attending this event please email nathaly.spilotros@rescue.org.