Shifting to a Platform Mindset: Locally Led Solutions for Scaling High-Impact Practices
14 November 2022 | 9:00 AM – 12:45 PM
Royal Cliff Grand Hotel | Orchid Room B | Pattaya, Thailand
About This Pre-conference
Hosted by: The Challenge Initiative
The Challenge Initiative (TCI) was conceived and built around new ways of thinking and doing – what we call ‘business unusual’ – in the development space. It is not just another time-bound project for reproductive health and family planning programming.
TCI was conceptualized as a platform to sustainably address the health needs of the urban poor at scale. This multi-layered platform facilitates the implementation of high-impact interventions by supporting local governments (cities, states, counties) in urban areas across 12 countries in Africa and Asia. Local governments lead the adaptation and rapid scale up of these interventions. Thus far, more than 120 local governments have joined TCI’s platform movement because they wanted to be part of a program that let them lead, finance and own implementation.
Join us on Monday, 14 November for a morning of reflection on what drives this sustainable platform for scale. Hear from local government leaders and other stakeholders on why they joined the platform and what resulted from their engagement
For more information, please reach out to Kate Graham at kgraham@jhu.edu.