Technical Assistance to Countries and Community and Provider driven Social Accountability Research
14 November 2022 | 8:30 AM – 4:00 PM
Royal Cliff Grand Hotel | Jomtien 11 | Pattaya City, Thailand
Hosted by: WHO
About this Pre-conference
On Monday, 14 November, the WHO pre-conference will focus on innovative approaches and outcomes of technical assistance to countries to improve access to quality family planning services in countries like adaptation and updates on MEC wheel and app.
You will hear about the available evidence on South- South learning exchange (SSLE) SSLE in FP, WHOs approach and guidance to SSLE and country experiences in implementing SSLE to strengthen FP services and lessons learned to make future SSLE more effective From Nepal, Nigeria, Uganda, India and Sri Lanka.
The afternoon session will focus on research on community and provider driven social accountability interventions (CAPSAI). HRP, conducted the study in partnership with Population Council, Ghana, Ifakara Health Institute, Tanzania, Sikika, Tanzania and Ghana Integrity Initiative, Ghana. The CaPSAI Project examined both the impact and processes of a social accountability intervention in the context of family planning and contraceptive programming. The session will highlight the effect of the intervention on contraceptive uptake and use and the mechanisms and contextual factors that influence and generate these effects.
To Attend:
This is an open event (no registration required).
Rita Kabra at kabrar@who.int