Sustaining Health Outcomes through the Private Sector (SHOPS) Plus
ICFP2022 Sponsor
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Explore how the public and private sectors contribute to the delivery of family planning products and services. View patterns by country, socioeconomic status, urban and rural residence, age, and marital status.
Family Planning Market Analyzer
Gain a better understanding of a country’s public and private family planning markets with this interactive tool, which visualizes how different policy scenarios could affect future markets.
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Improving access to family planning requires engaging both the public and private sectors.
Clients rely on a wide range of providers for family planning products and services—from midwives and doctors to drug shops and pharmacies. The USAID-funded Sustaining Health Outcomes through the Private Sector (SHOPS) Plus project harnesses the potential of the private sector and catalyzes public-private engagement to improve health outcomes in family planning, HIV/AIDS, maternal and child health, and other health areas. SHOPS Plus improves the equity and quality of the total health system. Learn more about the project’s work in family planning.
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Sources for Family Planning in 36 Countries
Understanding where women obtain family planning methods and how sources vary across user groups is essential to improve contraceptive access and ensure an equitable and sustainable future. This brief examines the roles of the public and private sectors in providing contraception and how they can best collaborate to expand contraceptive access and choice.
Accelerating Private Sector Engagement: Public-Private Engagement
Public stewards in many countries are increasingly interested in working with the private sector to achieve health goals, and there is wide recognition that the sector can improve access to care. This brief shares a range of approaches and experiences in public-private engagement from SHOPS Plus work in Nigeria, Senegal, and Tanzania.