Plan International
ICFP2022 Sponsor
Key Links & Information
Girls’ Sexuality and Child, Early, and Forced Marriages and Unions: A Conceptual Framework
As part of the CEFMU and Sexuality Working Group, Plan International in partnership with Girls’ Not Brides and collaborators developed a conceptual framework to support gender-transformative advocacy and programming to prevent child marriage and advance adolescent girls’ rights and agency by addressing the link between fear and control of sexuality and CEFMU:
CEFMU Policy Position Paper
Plan International condemns the practice of child, early and forced marriage and unions which is a violation of human rights, a harmful practice and, in some cases, a form of gender-based violence. Read our full position below:
Translating CSE Commitments into Action
A tool to support governments to successfully and meaningfully implement comprehensive sexuality education (CSE), including a range of strategies that governments can use to translate their commitments on CSE into tangible action:
Our SRHR Work
We strive for a world that advances children’s rights and equality for girls:
Soul searching: What are the linkages between social norms, adolescent sexuality and child marriage?
Girls’ ability to make their own decisions about their sexual and reproductive health, including having children, will only happen when we address child, early and forced marriage and unions (CEFMU):
Events at ICFP2022
Side event:
‘Soul searching : Exploring the linkages between social norms, adolescent sexuality and child marriage’
Wednesday, 16 November 2022
Room 6 at PEACH Pattaya
Oral Presentation:
‘Sexual Well-being, Health and Pleasure’
Tuesday, 15 November 2022
Peach Pattaya 10
Community Live Stage:
‘Fathers Breaking the Barriers in SRHR’
Tuesday, 15 November 2022
PEACH Pattaya 10
Poster Session:
‘Integrated Health and Education Services for Adolescents and Youth in El Salvador’
Tuesday, 15 November 2022
PEACH Pre-function Area
Oral Flash:
‘Diverse Interventions to Provide Sexuality Education to Young People’
Thursday, 17 November 2022
Grand Hotel Orchid Ballroom A
Featured Content
Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programme Standards
A suite of materials outlining Plan International’s comprehensive sexuality education programme standards.
Say it Out Loud – Sexual Wellbeing Matters
Listening to young people’s voices on sexual wellbeing and consent – what this means for sexual and reproductive health and rights influencing and practice.