Goodness Ogeyi Odey, ICFP2022 Youth Trailblazer and Co-chair of the ICFP Shifting Power and Advancing Equity in Global Health Subcommittee, was recently featured in an article from Independent Newspaper Nigeria on her work advocating for inclusive health policies in...
Be Vigilant About Unofficial, False ICFP Communications Please be aware the only official updates on the International Conference on Family Planning (ICFP) will be offered through the ICFP2022.org and theICFP.org websites. The ICFP International Steering Committee...
Unlocking the Latest Research, Innovations, and Collaborations The International Conference on Family Planning (ICFP) has just announced the launch of the official ICFP2022 Recap Report. The report provides a comprehensive summary of all the major highlights from the...
By Alison Hoover2019 120 Under 40 Winner, 2022 ICFP Youth Trailblazer, and Assistant Director of Global Health Programs at Emory University School of MedicineAs a vasectomy researcher, Alison Hoover is committed to ensuring that everyone has the knowledge, products,...
Ten years after the 2012 London Summit on Family Planning, the 2022 International Conference on Family Planning (ICFP) celebrated the fact that tens of millions more women today are using a modern method of family planning (FP), and a growing number of governments,...