FP2030 Commitment & Conversations Stage

FP2030 Commitment stage & Conversations

Family Planning Partnerships – Shared Courage and Conviction to End Unmet Need

Air date: 15 November at 19:45 (GMT+7)

Representatives from family planning partnerships share their mutual goals, and how they uniquely advance access and use of FP.


Monica Kerrigan, Interim Managing Director, North American and Europe, FP2030 (Host)

Alexis Heaton, Head of Data & Analytics, SEMA Reproductive Health 

Martyn Smith, Executive Director, Reproductive Health Supplies Coalition 

Claus Runge, Global Head of Market Access, Public Affairs & Sustainability, Bayer Pharmaceuticals


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ICFP LIVE is an initiative designed to create an on-site and virtual experience for an estimated 50,000+ community members from around the globe. Located in the ICFP2022 Exhibition Hall, the LIVE stage features short, partner-driven sessions that can be viewed by conference attendees regardless if they are in Pattaya City or participating virtually.
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