Mainstreaming DMPA-SC and Self-injection
14 November 2022 | 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM
PEACH Pattaya Room 14-16 | Pattaya City, Thailand
Event Description
The injectable contraceptive DMPA-SC is part of the family planning method mix in more than 50 countries around the world, more than 30 of which offer self-injection.
This technical meeting, held before the opening ceremony of ICFP, will bring together family planning experts interested in mainstreaming DMPA-SC and self-injection at all levels of the health system.
Participants will exchange lessons learned and promising practices for addressing challenges, outline remaining gaps to achieving scale, and plan how they can continue to expand contraceptive access and options for women and girls with DMPA-SC self-injection—in 2023 and beyond.
Space is limited and therefore advance registration is requested. If you have questions, please contact FPoptions@path.org.
Maximum capacity for this event is 150 participants.
Lunch will be provided to registered participants from 1:00-2:00pm.