ICFP2022 Sponsor
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This resource library provides comprehensive information on DMPA-SC and self-injection, including evidence, country introduction experiences, service delivery and advocacy tools, and more for global- and country-level family planning implementers and decision-makers.
Five Ways Advocates Can Help Ensure that Self-Care is Part of UHC
Self-care interventions for health, including sexual and reproductive health, have an important—yet largely untapped—potential to transform health systems and accelerate progress towards universal health coverage (UHC).
Where There are Few Screens: Digital Training for Self-Care in the Pandemic and Beyond
Contraceptive self-injection holds great potential for expanding women’s family planning options by putting the power of prevention directly in women’s hands, which reduces access-related barriers and enhances autonomy. Especially during a pandemic like COVID-19, injecting at home can also help reduce women’s exposure to illness by reducing their trips to a crowded facility for their injection.

PATH has more than 40 years of experience in accelerating low-cost, high-impact solutions that improve the lives and sexual and reproductive health of women and adolescent girls. Working with communities and users, we develop, adapt, and support scale-up of new contraceptive technologies and delivery models through health systems assessment, task shifting, provider training and support, and policy development. We also support women in practicing self-care by advancing user-controlled family planning methods—including contraceptive self-injection, the Caya® diaphragm, and the Woman’s Condom—and implement programs to accelerate self-care policy change, improve health literacy, promote autonomy, and support health-related decision-making.
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Self-Care: Enabling People to Take Charge of Their Own Health
Over the last four decades, PATH has developed products and approaches that place people at the center of their own health decisions. We see these innovations as a new take on an old practice: self-care.
Contraception During a Crisis: The Potential of Self-Injection
Around the world, the COVID-19 pandemic is making it harder for people to access essential health care. Many women are now asking the same question: how can I continue to use my family planning method of choice?