Broadcasting from
the ICFP Plenary Stage

Broadcasting from
the ICFP LIVE Stage
The Power of Community Investments
17 November | 10:15 – 11:35 (GMT+7)
This invited session will focus on investments to advance family planning and contraceptive access through a community-led lens. Join us to learn more about the new investment from the World Bank’s Global Financing Facility to support civil society-led efforts for family planning and SRMNCAH+N, and national government actions that guarantee universal access to family planning. This session will also feature discussions about the critical role of community-led advocacy and accountability, the power of CSO networks to advance progress, new investments for the cause, and the importance of leveraging catalytic funding to close the gap and meet the unmeet need for family planning around the world.
Dr. Samukeliso Dube
Executive Director, Family Planning 2030 (FP2030)
Juan Pablo Uribe
Global Director Health, Nutrition and Population and the Global Financing Facility, World Bank
Mr. Amos Mwale
Executive Director , Centre for Reproductive Health and Education
Ms. Nabeeha Kazi Hutchins
President & CEO, PAI
Karla Feldman
Head, National Center for Gender Equity & Reproductive Health, Government of the Republic of Mexico
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