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Walking the Talk: Incorporating DEI into our Values, Policies, and Practices
EngenderHealth, PSI, and Pathfinder International, among many other SRHR INGOs, have made significant changes in recent years to “walk our talk” about DEI. We have incorporated elements of DEI into our values, into all types of policies, into our staffing and organizational structures, into our cultures, and into the way we show up every day as leaders, colleagues, and partners. While we all see our DEI efforts as journeys that must continue, we have been assessed by Global Health 50/50 as “Very High Performers” in their 2022 report assessing organizational progress toward gender equality.
In this talk-show-style discussion, representatives from Global Health 50/50, EngenderHealth, PSI, and Pathfinder International talked about their respective DEI journeys and how we learn from and urge on each other. Different perspectives on the priorities, processes, and progress made by their organizations, along with their commitments for next steps, offer a view into DEI that will be interesting to others on their own DEI journeys.
Renu Golwalkar, EngenderHealth (Moderator)
Kent Buse, Global Health 50/50
Marina Dalton-Brown, PSI
Crystal Lander, Pathfinder International
Mohamed Ly, EngenderHealth
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