ICFP Media Center
For all media requests, please contact the ICFP media team at media @ ICFP2022.org.
Media Registration
Journalists and reporters can register here to attend ICFP in person or virtually
ICFP2022 Messaging + Socials
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Media Requests
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Community-driven, free, & accessibleYou are invited to join the ICFP LIVE Community Program hosted on the ICFP LIVE Stage this November.
The ICFP LIVE Community Program is your opportunity to present your ideas and share your story with more than 40,000 people from over 125 countries.

ICFP in the News

ICFP 2022 News & Announcements
How to Access ICFP2022 Virtual Programming
Registered #ICFP2022 attendees can access the 2022 ICFP virtual program by following the steps below: For the first time ever, ICFP is hybrid! We’re live streaming special events, plenaries, and 50% of our scientific sessions for in-person and...
Yellow Fever Vaccination Reminder
As of 1 July 2022: Yellow Fever Vaccination Requirement Required for residents of, and those traveling through, certain countries to enter Thailand. As a reminder, Thailand requires proof of yellow fever vaccination from or through certain...
REVISED ICFP2022 Shuttle Schedule Out Now
Updated as of 10 November 2022: The hotels that are confirmed as official conference hotels are also those for which transportation will be provided to and from Suvarnabhumi Airport – Bangkok (BKK) as well as to and from the Pattaya Exhibition and...

Interested in attending and reporting on ICFP this November 2022?
Media registration applications are now being accepted for in person and virtual attendance.
ICFP will provide complimentary conference access to a wide range of media this year. (Travel, per diem and lodging costs, however, are you and/or your employer’s responsibility.)
Learn more and apply below.