ICFP 2022 Virtual Abstract Advising Office Hours

Feb 10, 2022

Virtual Abstract Advising “Office Hours” Event

The Scientific Subcommittee is planning a special session on March 1, 2022, open to all individuals planning to submit abstracts to ICFP 2022.

The special session will provide an opportunity to receive feedback on potential participants’ draft abstracts. Volunteers who have experience in writing abstracts, and those who have served as reviewers in the past will be available to provide feedback on both individual abstracts and pre-formed panels, whether such abstracts are research-, program-, or advocacy-focused.

The nature of support we hope to offer will include:
– answering general questions about the content of your draft abstract
– suggestions on what parts of your research should be reflected in the abstract
– suggestions on what to keep and what to delete, if an abstract is too long
– suggestions on what to add to make an abstract more self-explanatory

The support offered during this special session will not include:
– Literature search support
– Data analysis and interpretation support
– Coding of qualitative transcripts
– Coaching on use of software packages
– Copy editing or translation services

If you would like to receive feedback on an abstract, you will be expected to: (1) Come with your draft abstract(s); (2) Intend to submit one or more abstract(s) to ICFP 2022.

Support will be provided for both English and French speakers. Depending on the numbers of people who respond to this call, the virtual support sessions to prospective ICFP 2022 participants may be one-on-one, in small groups, or both.

Register for ICFP Office Hours

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