Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs
ICFP2022 Sponsor
Key Links & Information
Global Shared Agenda for Social and Behavior Change in Family Planning
This tool was developed with 24 donors and implementing partners to galvanize global coordination in SBC programs for family planning, inform investment decisions, and enable improved collaboration among donors. Please submit your endorsement of the Shared Agenda via the site.
Behavior Change Impact Website
A unique online collection of evidence databases that shows the positive impact of SBC in family planning and other health areas.
CCP’s Knowledge SUCCESS has produced three knowledge solutions to transform the way FP/RH professionals around the world find, share, and use knowledge to improve family planning programs.

At the Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs, we believe that access to family planning is critical to solving many of the world’s most pressing health problems. Our roots as an organization are in developing evidence-based ways to address barriers to family planning to increase access to the people who need it most. We do this by addressing social norms, making conversations about family planning more acceptable in homes and communities, improving attitudes toward modern contraception, communicating the most up-to-date information on family planning – whatever it takes to make change.
Video Spotlight
Featured Content
Using Social & Behavior Change To Improve Family Planning Outcomes
Social and behavior change (SBC) is an essential component in achieving global development goals, including family planning. SBC is a discipline that uses a deep understanding of human and societal behavior and evidence-based interventions—such as mass media, community engagement, and interpersonal communication—to increase adoption of healthy behaviors and influence the social norms that underpin those behaviors.
Why It Matters: Rhoda A. Kushi
For much of her career, Rhoda A. Kushi, a reproductive health coordinator in Central Nigeria, couldn’t confidently train other frontline health workers to offer family planning services.