IBP Track Program Implementation:
Innovation, Documentation & Monitoring Implementation
13 November 2022 | 08:30 AM – 05:00 PM
Hilton Pattaya – Seaboard 3, 17 Floor | Pattaya City, Thailand
Hosted by: IBP Track Program Implementation Subcommittee
Event Description
This one-day meeting on Sunday, 13 November 2022 brought together family planning experts working in program implementation. The pre-conference was organized into two parts:
1.) Morning Session – 08:30 am – 12:00 Noon
Engage – Create – Innovate – Document
WHO/IBP Network and UNFPA are organizing this event to hear from partners about innovative approaches to implementation such as south to south learning, digital technologies, and engaging marginalized populations. Participants will learn about creative techniques like storytelling and multimedia to document evidence on FP/SRH programs and identify opportunities to engage with policy makers and parliamentarians to make commitments and investments in FP/SRH.
(LUNCH – 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm)
2.) Afternoon Session – 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm How Do You Know When You’re Doing It Right? Monitoring Implementation of Family Planning Practices
This interactive session, organized by FHI 360, will be an opportunity to bring together diverse stakeholders to understand why monitoring implementation of FP practices is important, define what monitoring implementation of FP practices means and explore how to monitor implementation of FP practices by identifying current gaps and challenges and sharing promising strategies with each other. This conversation aims to move the community toward harmonized measurement standards for implementation of FP practices to further support scale-up and impact.
If you have questions, please contact Sarah Brittingham Sbrittingham@fhi360.org or Ados May amay@phi.org.