Broadcasting from
the ICFP Plenary Stage

Broadcasting from
the ICFP LIVE Stage
Bayer Lunch Symposium: The Power of Partnerships
16 November | 13:25 – 14:25 (GMT+7)
Experience gained in the family planning ecosystem have taught both the public and private sectors that partnerships are essential to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals. But what makes a valuable partnership and what are the criteria for success? How can we best harness the power of partnerships for advancing family planning? Beyond being a supplier of modern contraceptives, Bayer has been a supporter of multiple non-supply related family planning programs for many years. This created knowledge and an understanding of how to reach the company’s goal to help provide 100 million women in low- and middle- income countries with modern contraceptives by 2030. It also identified partnership principles, among them: a sustainable approach and the notion of freedom of choice.
Essential to moving the needle forward have been partnerships with the UNFPA, USAID, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, DSW, the German Red Cross, and Johns Hopkins University, among others. This lunch symposium, hosted by Bayer, will focus on learning from key partners about their approaches for effective capability sharing in time of constrained resources. We will discuss inclusion criteria for future partnerships and what success means for existing ones. Together, we will achieve far more impact and reach.
Ian McFarlane
Director, Division for Communications and Strategic Partnerships, UNFPA, United Nations Population Fund
Nomi Fuchs-Montgomery
Deputy Director Family Planning, BMGF, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
Evelyn Samba
Country Head, Kenya, DSW, Deutsche Stiftung Weltbevölkerung
Nadine Hägeli
Head of Corporate Partnerships & Business Development, GRC, German Red Cross
Frank Strelow
Head of Sustainability, Pharmaceuticals, Bayer
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