Broadcasting Live from Pattaya City, Thailand at ICFP2022


Broadcasting Live from Pattaya City, Thailand at ICFP2022

Challenging pronatalism is key to advancing reproductive liberation and planetary health

16 November 2022 | 17:30 (GMT+7)

Pronatalism—a set of socio-cultural, ethno-political, religious, and patriarchal pressures that encourage, promote, or coerce reproduction—remains largely absent from our ‘family planning’ discourse.


Nandita Bajaj
Executive Director, Population Balance

Explore ICFP LIVE’s On-Demand Catalogue

ICFP LIVE is an initiative designed to create an on-site and virtual experience for an estimated 50,000+ community members from around the globe. Located in the ICFP2022 Exhibition Hall, the LIVE stage features short, partner-driven sessions that can be viewed by conference attendees regardless if they are in Pattaya City or participating virtually.

How proud I Am To Be The Change
Emergency Contraception 101
TRANSGENDER: The Expelled Gender from the National Family Planning Programs
Climate shocks, seasonal migration, and sexual and reproductive health
Advocacy through Art: Visualizing Her Promise, Our Purpose
It’s TIME (Transforming INGO Models for Equity) to shift power in global SRHR programs
Nationalist pressure on reproductive rights
Tackling Taboos: Talking about the most commonly avoided Sexuality and SRHR topics
Family Planning Service Provision in Mali: How is the Private Sector Stepping Up?
Amplifying the voices of people in crisis settings, through a photojournalist’s lens
First Sexual Experiences!
Indi-Genius Podcast Series for Family Planning and Reproductive Health
Co-created solutions for gender inequality in youth partnership in the AYSRHR field
Let’s Talk About the Elephant in the Womb  (Aka How Storytelling Reduces Abortion Stigma)
Progress and Rollbacks: US restrictions on abortion rights in a global context
Green Clinics—Responding to Family Planning Needs During the Climate Crisis
120 Under 40: The New Generation of Family Planning Leaders
The Bodily Autonomy Community in Asia:  A pillar of power for achieving SRHR & UHC
Fathers breaking SRHR barriers – CMTY-02
From Idea to Implementation: Delivering on the promise of contraceptive technology innovation
Testicle Festival: FAQs on vasectomies and building successful vasectomy programs
Sex education in the 21st century – what needs to change?
AYSRH Global Roadmap of Action
Urgence d’investir dans la PF en contexte de crises humanitaires : maintenons le financement
Perspective on the Power of Partnerships: A Talk Between UNFPA & Bayer
Equitable Partnerships with Youth-Led Organizations: The Missing Link in SRHR Initiatives
Go Nisha Go: A fun and innovative one stop shop for adolescent girls to access SRH products and services
Do 50 million Black women and girls’ lives matter?
Perspective on the Power of Partnerships: A Talk Between UNFPA & Bayer
The Wrap with Positive Disruptors
ICFP2022 Closing Ceremony: Making Our Mark
Valuing Indigenous Birth Practices
Walking the Talk: Incorporating DEI into our Values, Policies, and Practices