Broadcasting Live from Pattaya City, Thailand at ICFP2022


Broadcasting Live from Pattaya City, Thailand at ICFP2022

Green Clinics—Responding to Family Planning Needs During the Climate Crisis

17 November 2022 | 11:30 (GMT+7)

We all know the world in which we are delivering family planning services is quickly transforming as climate change threatens the viability of health systems and presents new challenges to the women and girls we serve.

To continue to advance sexual and reproductive health and rights we must respond with new family planning approaches that address the lived realities of climate change.


Mohamed Abou Nar
Senior Country Director, Egypt, Middle East and North Africa Lead, Pathfinder International

Explore ICFP LIVE’s On-Demand Catalogue

ICFP LIVE is an initiative designed to create an on-site and virtual experience for an estimated 50,000+ community members from around the globe. Located in the ICFP2022 Exhibition Hall, the LIVE stage features short, partner-driven sessions that can be viewed by conference attendees regardless if they are in Pattaya City or participating virtually.

It’s TIME (Transforming INGO Models for Equity) to shift power in global SRHR programs
Sex education in the 21st century – what needs to change?
Amplifying the voices of people in crisis settings, through a photojournalist’s lens
Advocacy through Art: Visualizing Her Promise, Our Purpose
From Idea to Implementation: Delivering on the promise of contraceptive technology innovation
First Sexual Experiences!
TRANSGENDER: The Expelled Gender from the National Family Planning Programs
Urgence d’investir dans la PF en contexte de crises humanitaires : maintenons le financement
Do 50 million Black women and girls’ lives matter?
The Bodily Autonomy Community in Asia:  A pillar of power for achieving SRHR & UHC
Valuing Indigenous Birth Practices
Challenging pronatalism is key to advancing reproductive liberation and planetary health
AYSRH Global Roadmap of Action
120 Under 40: The New Generation of Family Planning Leaders
Indi-Genius Podcast Series for Family Planning and Reproductive Health
Co-created solutions for gender inequality in youth partnership in the AYSRHR field
How proud I Am To Be The Change
Go Nisha Go: A fun and innovative one stop shop for adolescent girls to access SRH products and services
Emergency Contraception 101
Family Planning Service Provision in Mali: How is the Private Sector Stepping Up?
Perspective on the Power of Partnerships: A Talk Between UNFPA & Bayer
Climate shocks, seasonal migration, and sexual and reproductive health
Fathers breaking SRHR barriers – CMTY-02
Progress and Rollbacks: US restrictions on abortion rights in a global context
Tackling Taboos: Talking about the most commonly avoided Sexuality and SRHR topics
Walking the Talk: Incorporating DEI into our Values, Policies, and Practices
ICFP2022 Closing Ceremony: Making Our Mark
Let’s Talk About the Elephant in the Womb  (Aka How Storytelling Reduces Abortion Stigma)
Testicle Festival: FAQs on vasectomies and building successful vasectomy programs
The Wrap with Positive Disruptors
Equitable Partnerships with Youth-Led Organizations: The Missing Link in SRHR Initiatives
Nationalist pressure on reproductive rights
Perspective on the Power of Partnerships: A Talk Between UNFPA & Bayer